Katelyn Lindsey
@katecoded on GitHub

Featured Project: The Whimsical Castle

Made using Python

The Whimsical Castle is a text-based adventure game written in Python that runs on the command line. You play as a person who, upon waking up, finds themselves lost in a magical castle full of strange and wondrous objects. It is up to you to uncover the secrets of the castle and the reason for your current predicament.

This game was created and developed by Fedor Titov, Katelyn Lindsey, Apoorva Magadi, and Mason Stiller as a capstone project for CS 467.

About Me

I have been obsessed with reading books and playing games since I was a kid, and that's where it all started. Reading turned into creative writing, and I decided at a young age that I wanted to spend my life telling stories in any way that I can. This has manifested itself over the years in music, games, stories, drawings, pictures, and videos, and I'm still going strong.

I recently graduated with my second Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and programming has become one of my main passions. With it, I now have the tools to make many more of my projects a reality.

Check out my other pages to see some of the projects I have created!


  • Python
  • C
  • C++
  • JavaScript
  • MySQL
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • MASM
  • Flutter/Dart
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Plastic SCM
  • Visual Studio
  • PyCharm
  • Android Studio
  • Eclipse
  • Unity
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Team Leadership & Organization

Contact Information

Email is the best way to contact me, but I can also be reached on social media!